Chef Daniel, the Soul behind our Food 

I grew up in kitchens as a child and I’ve always been in a kitchen and that’s what I remember most. Walking around endlessly in one of my grandmother’s kitchens looking to see what was being prepared and what was being served for the day. I was one of the lucky ones that usually got to hang out in the kitchen because I wasn’t the one that had to always touch or move something, that came later. I remember all of my grandmother’s by their individuality and sacredness, their hard work gardening, chopping, dicing and serving so that everyone that happened to be there that day was going to eat very, very well. I saw this as a little kid and it was exciting for me. The energy and love that I witnessed back then following grandma around in the kitchen as a child is what I believe to be transparent with the same energy and love in my cooking food today.

I feel very deeply that I need to bring the fruits of the trees and the bounty of the fields to my guests. Sourcing only grass fed animals, wild game and fish for our made from scratch dishes and creating a lasting experience for everyone involved. Much focus, hard work, research, dedication and consistency goes into providing the best sourced foods from local farmers, ranchers and great fisherman that share in the passion of not trading their great standards in for a smaller prize.  

Started June 1, 2018 “Daniel’s Table has its own identity that allows my creative spirit to wander free and create without boundaries while staying true to the seasons of all our foods.”

Providing the best food and service at Daniel’s Table is the goal, that is who we are and what we represent. That is what we offer to you yesterday, today and tomorrow.  We invite you to come and experience Daniel’s Table, we look forward to serving you.

“I will stay true to the earth, the culture and the food that it provides for us and share this food journey with you and I will create unique dishes that fit the travels of our European ancestors into our Native America.” Chef D.